Our Impact

Gindi Equities believes that our core principles are crucial to developing strong, resilient investments that deliver long-term value for our investors

Core Values

Gindi Equities’ core values embody who we are and how we operate, with (1) unwavering integrity, (2) passion, (2) problem-solving mindset, while being (3) humbly confident, and working as (5) team players. These values guide our success. We conduct ourselves with unwavering integrity, never compromising our name and reputation. We bring passion into the workplace, loving what we do and continuously improving outcomes. We are problem solvers, committed to achieving goals and overcoming challenges with the strength of our team. We are humbly confident in our expertise, always striving for improvement. As team players, we collaborate seamlessly to deliver exceptional value and achieve incredible results.
Gindi Team

Our Impact

Gindi Equities is dedicated to creating lasting value for our investment partners and society at large. Inspired and following in the footsteps of their parents and grandparents whose namesakes they carry, the Gindi’s are driven to leverage success in business and reinvest those gains for the ultimate purpose to positively impact the community and world at large. We actively contribute through our philanthropic initiative of donating to a worthy cause on the onset of every new deal and tithing on any profits ultimately earned.

Most people who are philanthropists tend to make money and then donate a portion of the profits. Al and Raymond take a different approach. They created a unique and thoughtful tradition where they donate upon every new deal closed. The donation is made before any realized profits.

Eli Beer, President, and Founder of United Hatzalah


Gindi Equities is committed to creating lasting value for its investment partners and society at large through responsible investing and operational integrity